Here's how the Goody Bags will work. Each "family" that comes gets one Goody Bag. There are a few items in the bags where there will be two of an item instead of one, like the lanyards. There will be two lanyards in each bag. For those who I know who your favorite characters are, they may have a special lanyard. But I feel I have a good selection that you will like one of them. I have asked for opinions here at the care center on the ribbons I have chosen and everyone picked a different one. I think that is a good sign.
On Thursday of last week, my friend Kimberly came down and helped me make Lanyards. What was so interesting is that I had bought two "professional" ones with Goofy on it. My first thought was take them apart and make one as they were labeled as youth lanyards and only 20 inches long. When we compared them to our and the 36 inches we had done, they were the same length if not a bit longer than the professional. When we got all done they were a tad bit longer than the others. Here is the Goofy professional one. Isn't he cute?
Here are the lanyards we made. The first one says Happy Holidays, the second has the fab five in very bright colors, the third has the fab five all standing (I love that Minnie and Daisey are hugging), and the last one has the castle with Mickey and says "Magic Memories."
On the clips we have ID Badges that is resealable. That way you can put your fast pass in it or room key or what ever else you want. They key here is RESEALABLE. When I was told about the resealable pouches and started looking, I found them for $4.50 a piece. I finally found a bulk package that reduced that price considerably under .50 cents.
This will also serve as ID if they should get lost. Here are the inserts for the ID Badges (I hope we won't need but you never know!)
I think that is it on the Lanyards. People have asked what I will do with the extra's. I am planning on about 20 Goody Bags (whether we need that many or not I don't know). But the extra's I will sell after the trip. Trust me when I tell you these are the best Goody Bags you will ever see!!!